The Little O’ Oprey was started October 13, 1989, by Dan Weithop. He wanted himself and others to have a place to play music in a venue other than bars or clubs.
The Little O’ Oprey started in the upstairs area of a two-story building that was constructed in the late 1800’s. The building was used for numerous businesses through the years, including a tavern, a grocery store, a bank, a Masonic hall, and even a casket maker. The Oprey is still using that same building, but the show has been moved downstairs.
In December, 1991, the Little O’ Oprey was organized as a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation and has been operated by the board of directors since that time. Dan moved back to Missouri in 2002 to care for aging parents and left the Oprey fully in the hands of the board.